Funding programme and area
H2020-EU. - Industrialisation of building envelope kits for the renovation market (IA)
Starting date - October 01, 2020
End date - September 30, 2024
Dissemination, communication and training leader
Heat losses through the envelope will be minimized through improved insulation of the façade components, reaching U-Values of less than 0.23 W/m2K; Building primary energy consumption will be less than 60 kWh/m2 , achieved via the optimal design and operation of heating, cooling, ventilation, storage and harvesting components, and the increased share of renewable energy.
ca. 58% reduction in renovation costs will be achieved through offsite prefabrication, lean manufacturing and construction interactively supported by the BIM based platform and Decision Support Tool.
PLURAL will achieve at least 50% reduction in the time required for deep renovation of e.g. multi-family blocks mainly by reducing the time to design/engineering, procurement, logictics, fabrication and site preparation from avg. 5-7 months to 2-4 months. The BIM based platform and the DST will facilitate monitoring the production time of the PnU kits, which will be realized in parallel with the site preparation, allowing to complete the on-site renovation including installation within 3-4 months.
Aiming at CO2 emissions 15% less than the current average and 70% material recyclability.
System combinations will allow easy adaptation of the PnU kits to be developed and validated as part of the project to various residential building typologies in all EU climatic zones.
The PLURAL concept will be integrated at three different real demo building sites, located in Greece, Spain and the Czech Republic, featuring different climate conditions and heating/cooling needs and user requirements. PLURAL also includes three virtual building demos for simulating and validating the performance and operation of the solutions
New Article
We are very excited to share a new article in the Open Access Government January 2022 volume! The article was written by FENIX TNT in collaboration with PLURAL, SWITCH2SAVE, Powerskin+ project coordinators.
Promo Video
We are very excited to share our graphical promo video explaining the PLURAL project.
Enlit Europe community
The PLURAL project is part of the Enlit Europe community!
Demo site
The PLURAL concept will be integrated at three different real demo building sites, located in Greece, Spain and the Czech Republic.
Promo materials
We are excited to present our new PLURAL roll-up and leaflet! Designed by FENIX TNT.
Sustainable Places 2021
The PLURAL project was represented by Maria Founti from NTUA at the Sustainable Places 2021 Conference. Check out both presentations!
Questionnaire | Reduction of energy consumption
We prepared a questionnaire on the importance of reduction of energy consumption in comparison with other factors for deep renovation. Help us by sharing your input!
Workshops | Sustainable Places 2021
Publication | European Energy Innovation Magazine
Read a new article about our project in the European Energy Innovation Magazine Autumn 2021 edition!
Joint Newsletter
Joint Newsletter about the PLURAL, POWERSKIN+ and SWITCH2SAVE projects. Read more about the objectives, demosites and upcoming activities. Download it in the resources tab on our website and don't forget to subscribe!
Plural project presentation
The Plural project was presented by Ing. Jan Včelák, Ph.D. from ČVUT UCEEB at the Global Summit on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering 2021 Event.
Meeting | Terrassa, Spain
The Terrassa demo meeting was held last week in Barcelona. The goal of the meeting was to discuss open tasks related to the demonstration.
Meeting | Kašava, Czech Republic
The Kašava meeting took place on 15th-16th July 2021 and was held at the demo site and the municipality town hall. The goal of the meeting was to obtain video and photo material for promo and to discuss open tasks related to the building renovation.
New brochure
We are excited to present our brand new project brochure! You can read about the #pluralproject overall concept, demo sites and more.
Demo visit | Kašava, Czech Republic
Partners from ČVUT UCEEB and FENIX TNT visited the Kašava municipality where our demo site is located. The partners discussed the renovation planning, visited the building, and took measurements both outside and inside. Big thanks belong to the Kašava mayor and his staff for the warm welcome!
Feature | “Smart Buildings EU-funded Innovations” brochure
We are featured in the first edition of the “Smart Buildings EU-funded Innovations” brochure developed by SmartBuilt4EU. Their main objective is to support the Smart Building Innovation Community.
Webinar | Smart buildings: meet EU innovators
Join us on the 25th February for this webinar! Several H2020 projects will be pitched during the session and Plural will be among them! If you are interested in the most innovative Smart buildings technologies which are being developed in Europe, you shouldn’t miss this one!
PLURAL | Project kick-off
We are kicking-off the PLURAL project! Our first collective meeting took place on the 13th October 2020! The meeting was held remotely to keep everyone safe.
Feature | “Smart Buildings EU-funded Innovations” brochure
We are featured in the first edition of the “Smart Buildings EU-funded Innovations” brochure developed by SmartBuilt4EU. Their main objective is to support the Smart Building Innovation Community.
Webinar | Smart buildings: meet EU innovators
Join us on the 25th February for this webinar! Several H2020 projects will be pitched during the session and Plural will be among them! If you are interested in the most innovative Smart buildings technologies which are being developed in Europe, you shouldn´t miss this one! Register!
PLURAL | Project kick-off
We are kicking-off the PLURAL project! Our first collective meeting took place on the 13th October 2020! The meeting was held remotely to keep everyone safe.